The 43rd General Assembly of TUSIAD was held in Istanbul on Thursday, January 17, 2013. At the Assembly meeting, TUSIAD’s new Board of Directors, High Advisory Council Board of Presidents and Discipline Committee were elected.
The opening speeches at the 43rd General Assembly meeting were delivered by Mr. Erkut YÜCAOĞLU, Chairman of the High Advisory Council, and Ms. Ümit BOYNER, the President of the Board of Directors of TUSIAD.
TUSIAD’s incoming Board of Directors appointed Mr. Muharrem YILMAZ as the President of the
Board of Directors and Mr. Haluk DİNÇER, Mr. Tayfun BAYAZIT, and Mr. Memduh BOYDAK as Vice-Presidents.
Mr. Muharrem Yılmaz emphasized the following priorities for his term as TUSIAD President:
► Within the context of the sustainable development principles, promoting a production based growth for the medium term
► Supporting the current mix of monetary and fiscal policies for sustainable economic growth and financial stability
► Enhancing Turkey’s global economic competiveness thorough innovation policies, human capital and better investment conditions in order to achieve information society and knowledge-economy objectives
► Expanding the scope and impact of the regional development policies particularly through technology support programs and regional innovation centers
► Active participation of TUSIAD in international platforms such as B20 Coalition, BUSINESSEUROPE, BIAC/OECD, and UN climate conferences
► Promoting Turkey’s EU membership process as well as domestic democratic and economic reforms as the major strategic policy choice shaping country’s future
TUSIAD’s New President Mr. Muharrem Yilmaz

Muharrem Yilmaz was born in 1957 in Bursa, Turkey. Following his secondary education at Galatasaray High School in Istanbul, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Uludag University.
After working several years in the family business SÜTAŞ Group – active in dairy integrated production including “Dairy Stud Farm,” “Fodder Factory,” and “Dairy Factory” at its Bursa and Aksaray facilities – he was named General Manager in 1989. He was subsequently appointed to the position of Chairman of the Board of SÜTAŞ Group and has been the group’s Chief Executive Officer since 2005.
As of 2012 the SÜTAŞ Group has a turnover of USD 966 million and has been the dairy market leader for six consecutive years. The SÜTAŞ Group has acquired production facilities in Macedonia and Romania and is currently consolidating its market presence in these countries.
From 1999 to 2002, Muharrem Yilmaz was the Chairman of The Board of Young Businessmen’s Association of Turkey (TUGIAD). He served two 2-year terms on TUSIAD’s Board of Directors, first as a member (2009-2010) and then as a Vice-President (2011-2012). During his tenure on the Board of TUSIAD, he also carried out parallel duties as the President of the Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD), the Vice President of both the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED) and the Federation of Sectoral Associations (SEDEFED), respectively the territorial and the sectorial partners of TUSIAD.
Muharrem Yilmaz was elected President of TUSIAD by the General Assembly on January 17, 2013 for a term of two years.
TUSIAD Board of Directors (2013-2014)
Mr. Muharrem YILMAZ, President (SÜTAŞ Group)
Mr. Haluk DİNÇER, Vice-President (Sabanci Holding)
President of the Parlamentary Affairs and Political Reforms Committee
Mr. Tayfun BAYAZIT, Vice-President (Bayazıt Yönetim Danismanlik)
President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee
Mr. Memduh BOYDAK, Vice-President (Boydak Holding)
President of the Social Affairs Committee
Ms. Cansen BAŞARAN SYMES, Member, Treasurer (PriceWaterhouseCoopers Turkey)
President of the Company Affairs Committee
Mr. Osman F. BOYNER, Member (Boyner Sanayi Mensucat)
President of the Global Economic Relations Committee
Mr. Cenk ÇİMEN, Member (Koç Holding)
President of the Industry and Agricultural Affairs Committee
Ms. Esin GÜRAL ARGAT, Member (Gürallar/Artcraft)
President of the Information Society, ICT & Innovation Committee
Mr. Tarkan KADOOĞLU, Member (Kadooglu Group)
President of the Regional Development & Relations with Business Organizations Committee
Mr. Simone KASLOWSKI, Member (Organik Kimya)
President of the European Union Affairs Committee
Mr. Sedat Şükrü ÜNLÜTÜRK, Member (Sun Holding)
President of the Sectoral Policies and Sectoral Institution Relations Committee
Mr. Volkan VURAL, Member (Doğan Holding)
President of the International Politics and Communication Committee
Mr. Zafer Ali YAVAN, Member